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Board of Selectmen's Meeting Minutes 4/28/09

APRIL 28, 2009

Chairman Russo opened the meeting at 7:05 p.m. with the pledge of allegiance to our flag.    Selectmen Joseph Story and Jennifer Wright and Town Administrator Chuck Kostro were present.

Health Agent Deborah Rogers gave an update on the swine flu and how Massachusetts and the local Health Departments are preparing for a possible pandemic.   She advised they were working closely with Triton and have updated their web site to include CDC guidelines and all available information.    “Education” is our best and biggest resource, she stated.

Steve Salvo, Chair of the Personnel Board advised that recommendations for Personnel Bylaw revisions are ready for the ATM warrant.    He reviewed the proposed changes with the Board and explained the need for the changes.   The Board accepted the revisions for the warrant.   The question of how to present this information to the public arose.    Kostro will review the info and possibly provide an addendum to the warrant or a condensed version for the public to digest.     Kostro praised the extraordinary work of the Personnel Board in putting together these changes.
As an aside Salvo noted that the Personnel Board supported the proposed change addressing health insurance for elected officials.

Town Administrator Chuck Kostro updated the Board on the Elm Street paving project noting that the bid documents and contract will be reviewed tomorrow and should be advertised next week.    He advised that the Finance Committee will finalize budget articles at their May 5th meeting.     A draft of the Special Town Meeting warrant articles was presented for review and a couple of ATM warrant articles were discussed.   The first was a procurement authority article which just cleans up the procurement process.    The second was to increase the demand fee from $5 to $10 for delinquent taxes.   A third article drafted by Counsel would regulate insurance benefits for Elected Officials.    This article would be submitted to the Senate and House of Representatives for enactment.    Assessor Budd Kelley raised some concern about elimination of stipends for some elected officials and the issues associated with this change.    Kostro noted that stipends were a separate article.     Steve Salvo suggested an amendment to the article in paragraph 1 to reflect the twenty hours was twenty hours per week, if that was what was intended.  He also noted that a recent change in COBRA could adversely affect the Town with this bylaw change.    Selectman Story moved to amend section 1 to reflect 20 hours per week, seconded by Selectman Wright and voted unanimously.     All proposed articles will be approved with the final submission of the warrant.

Kevin Kelly, Manager of the Energy Solutions Department of National Grid addressed the possibility of shutting down some or all street lights in Town due to budget constraints.  He listed five tariff options – 1)  permanently discontinuing 1% of the lights without a charge; 2)  reducing wattage; 3)  buy all lights from National Grid and own and operate them at town’s expense; 4)  red capping- temporary shut off of listed lights for at least one year;  5) use a third party supplier for service.     An inventory of lights to remain on will be assembled by Highway and Public Safety.     A list of bills in question will be submitted to Mr. Kelly for clarification as we proceed with this process.    He was thanked for his time and input.

A request from the Byfield Days Committee to close Lunt and Central Streets to the intersection of Main Street from 5:30 p.m. Friday June 12th through 6 p.m. June 13th was approved on a motion by Selectman Story, seconded by Selectman Wright and voted unanimously.   

The following persons were appointed to the Board of Fire Engineer for the ensuing year on a motion by Selectman Story, seconded by Selectman Wright and voted unanimously:-  William Pearson, Douglas Janvrin Sr., Michael Bulgaris, Timothy Wareham, Wallace Ziehler, Timothy Leonard, Douglas Janvrin Jr., and Nate Walker.

The following persons were appointed for the following positions for the ensuing year on a motion by Selectman Story, seconded by Selectmen Wright and voted unanimously:-   William Pearson, Forest Warden; Douglas Janvrin Sr., Michael Bulgaris, Timothy Wareham, Wallace Ziehler, Timothy Leonard, Douglas Janvrin Jr. and Nate Walker all as Deputy Forest Wardens.

On the recommendation of the Town Clerk the following persons were appointed as election workers for FY10 on a motion by Selectman Story, seconded by Selectman Wright and voted unanimously: - Dorothy Aham, Reagh Atkinson, Paul Daubitz, Joyce Davis, Elaine Demers, Diane Emerson, Albe Gouldthorpe, Joanne Johnson, Carrie Keville, John Keville, Marlene Koslow, Alix McArdle, Emily Narris, Doug Packer, Marcia Peirce, Kathleen Sirois, Norma Taylor, Donald TeSelle, Phyllis TeSelle, Martha Webb, Mary Wood, Charles Bear, Nancy Burke, Ruth Cunniff, James Cunningham, Richard Cunningham, Priscilla Edmonds, Wendy Kaminske, June Maguire, Anita Mansur, Rita West, Joan Weyburn and Board of Registrar member Ed Carpenter was appointed for a three year term.

The appointments of Tony Penski as Town Counsel and Kathleen Sirois as Administrative Assistant to the Selectmen both for three year terms was approved on a motion by Selectmen Story, seconded by Selectman Wright and voted unanimously.

Selectman Wright addressed the ongoing Comcast contract.   She noted that she and Counsel Penski had met and reviewed the proposed contract and it was approved by Counsel.    We will be working with Triton and Rowley to get a studio up and running she advised.    Terms of the contract are 4% and $50K which is equal to Rowley’s agreement.    It was moved by Selectman Story, seconded by Selectman Wright and voted unanimously to accept the contract as presented.

Chairman Russo noted that the Newbury Auto Sales property had been reasonably cleaned up and a maintenance schedule for the property submitted to the Board by Atty. Cassidy.    The Board accepted the maintenance schedule and granted Newbury Auto Sales their Class III license without contingencies.

Chairman Russo updated the Board on the Senior Center Meeting that was held just prior to the Selectmen’s Meeting.     Russo will ask Counsel to prepare two warrant articles for ATM.   One to get a “sense of the town” and their commitment to a financial investment for a community center on the Cunningham property on Scotland Road and a second to ask for a $75 debt exclusion for a feasibility study for the project to be voted at next year’s election.

A letter from MSPCA regarding a festival at Spencer Peirce Little Farm on Sunday, September 13th was acknowledged and approved contingent on Chief Reilly’s endorsement.

The minutes of the April 14th meeting were accepted as presented on a motion by Selectman Story, seconded by Selectman Wright and voted unanimously.

The meeting was adjourned at 9:00 p.m. on a motion by Selectman Story, seconded by Selectman Wright and voted unanimously.

Respectfully submitted,

Kathleen Sirois
Administrative Assistant